Sustainable & animal friendly apparel made of Chiengora

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What is Chiengora?

A premium wool made out of the undercoat that dogs lose naturally during the shedding season, that is used to make clothing items

Why is Chiengora amazing ?

Extremely Soft

As soft as your beloved best friends 🐶

Thermo isolating

80 % more than cashmere 🐐

Water resistant

Rain will not be a problem anymore ☂️

Our commitments

Waste as a resource

5.5 tons of dogs' undercoat is wasted yearly in Europe

Animal friendly

Only the excess hair that dogs lose during shedding season is used

No use of chemicals

No chemicals are used during washing or dyeing processes

What we do


Collection of dog hair

We have secured partnerships with more than a hundred breeders all around Italy. All the breeders are members of the Italian National Kennel club (ENCI) and have carefully selected to ensure the well-being of the dogs from which the hair is collected.


Processing and spinning of dogs’ hair into yarn

We collaborate with partner spinners in central and northern Italy to turn the fluffy dog undercoat into a premium and high-quality yarn.


Knitting into clothing items

We are partnering up with knitters both in central and northern Italy, who are renowned for their technical know-how and expertise that have enabled them to work with the most prestigious high fashion houses.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Is Chiengora, an animal cruelty-free fibre ?

Absolutely ! Chiengora is made of the undercoat that dogs naturally lose during the shedding season, which is a waste material of their grooming routine. The undercoat is collected by gently and carefully combing the dogs, process that dogs are used to and even seem to enjoy ! Moreover, no dogs are specially bred (or harmed) for the wool production.

Is Chiengora warm ?

Saying that Chiengora is warm is both wrong and reductive. Rather, Chiengora is more accurately characterised by its thermal insulation, which is 80% greater than sheep's wool's ! In other words, a very thin Chiengora garment will protect you very well from both warmth and cold ! How amazing ?!

Are people "allergic to dogs" allergic to Chiengora ?

People with "allergies to dogs" are reacting to oil and danter from the epidermal layer of skin. When collecting the dogs' undercoat, the first step consists in washing off these oils and skin particles using specific techniques. As a consequence - good news ! - if you are "allergic to dogs" you can still wear Chiengora garments !

Does wet Chiengora smells like "wet dog" ?

Just as wet wool does not smell like wet sheeps, wet Chiengora does not smell like wet dogs ! Before being spun the fibre is carefully washed and deodorised to ensure that the final product is odourless. Nevertheless, as any natural fibre like wool, wet Chiengora will have a very mild odour.